Holding the Pencil
There are 2 ways to hold a pencil. Grip the pencil just as you do when signing your name. Best if you grip the pencil a bit further back from the point, freer line. Even further back – particularly if you’re making a larger drawing.
Another way many professionals hold the pencil as an orchestra conductor holds the baton. This grip encourages you to work with bold, rhythmic, sweeping strokes. It’s best to work with your drawing paper on a vertical or diagonal surface – rather flat on a table. Try holding the pencil this way and move your entire arm as you draw.
Manage your Lighting
Drawing is Logical
Drawing is often regarded as a special gift, and there are people who are able to draw quite effortlessly. But I believe drawing is a skill – like writing – which can be acquired. You need motivation and patience; most people can learn to draw accurately. If you learn to draw a few geometric shapes – cubes, spheres, cones, and cylinders – you can learn to draw practically anything. Work on cultivating the ability to draw what you actually see.